Intervention is a Pathway to Recovery
January 11, 2020If someone you love – a close friend or family member – is in the grips of the progressive disease of addiction, then please do not despair. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for men and women battling alcohol or substance use disorders. It may seem like hope is lost, especially if you have tried to encourage said love one to seek assistance via intervention.
Unguided interventions do not always play out the way one would like, and if the desired result is not achieved, you may walk away from the experience feeling defeated. Surely you know that you are not alone; unsuccessfully convincing a loved one to seek assistance is an experience shared by millions of Americans. Still, it may not make you feel any better knowing that others have been unable to persuade their friend or family member to enter treatment.
While an unsuccessful intervention is a cause for disappointment, it is not a reason to give up on your mission completely. You must consider how you approached the situation, or keep in mind that the person you care about may not have been ready to face reality. Perhaps you lacked specific tools to affect change in another’s life. It’s worth mentioning that only a small number of people are trained and certified to carry out interventions, and even such people are not always able to bring about treatment.
When People Refuse Recovery
There are many variables to consider when trying to determine why an intervention isn’t successful. The age of the sick individual, for instance, may have had an impact; some young men and women do not fully realize the severity of their situation. There are also high-functioning alcoholics and addicts; they may not think they need treatment since such individuals are able to show up to work and pay the bills.
You should also consider the idea of “rock bottom.” There are some people and experts alike who contend that people are only ready to embrace recovery once they’ve hit rock bottom. While there isn’t a science to back the above assertion, it’s not hard to get on board with the idea. Some people in recovery today practically lost everything before there were able to come to terms with the fact that they needed help. On occasion, men and women at meetings of recovery will say, “I was looking up at the bottom when I finally sought help.”
The disease of addiction does not let go of its host easily; despite lacking intelligence, it will put up a fight. This is especially true for men and women who are physically dependent; the thought of going into withdrawal can be too much to bear for some. Such people would rather continue to the destructive path of addiction than face one day of acute withdrawal symptoms. These same people may not be aware that medical detox services can spare them the severe discomfort of detoxing from drugs or alcohol.
An addict or alcoholic can find a million reasons to explain why they won’t seek treatment; this is true even when they know they need help.
Do You Need a Professional Intervention?
Seeking the assistance of a professional interventionist will significantly increase your ability to hold an intervention, and potentially get your loved one on the road to recovery. At Whitman Recovery Service, we can help you organize a productive intervention for a loved one. Rich Whitman has more than three decades of experience in assisting people in making the courageous decision to seek treatment. He is a pioneer in the field and is a Nationally Certified Intervention Professional.
Whitman Recovery Service is comprised of the most effective interventionists in the field of addiction medicine. We can report a success rate higher than 90 percent, which we hope will give you confidence when seeking our assistance. Please contact us today to learn more about our process. 512-722-7566