Interventions for Depression
April 6, 2022As the stigma surrounding mental illness declines, understanding of effective treatment methods has risen, thanks to a concerted effort to raise awareness of conditions like anxiety, depression and substance use disorders. Sadly, despite this progress, many Americans who would benefit from counseling are unlikely to seek it.
Seeing a loved one struggle with depression can be heartbreaking, and even more so if you have had a hard time convincing them to go to therapy. A professionally managed intervention for depression can help you overcome objections and get your loved one’s life back on track.
How to Address a Loved One’s Mental Health Needs
According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the world’s leading causes of disability. Despite this, mental illnesses do not always manifest in obvious physical symptoms, which may lead some outside observers to take depression less seriously or dismiss it out of hand. However, you can be the difference-maker in helping a loved one access the help they need to learn to manage their illness.
Consider these significant obstacles that could stand between your loved one and the help they need to achieve long-term recovery:
- Depression can cause difficulties concentrating and making practical decisions.
- Due to their emotional state, depressed people may be incapable of realistically assessing their condition or finding the initiative to seek treatment on their own.
- The impaired executive function associated with depression can make researching qualified therapists, scheduling appointments and completing intake paperwork seem like insurmountable challenges.
- A person in the depths of depression might feel so hopeless that they believe they don’t deserve to get better.
For reasons like these, compassion and support are essential for people living with mental illnesses. When you plan an intervention for depression, you can help pave the way for your loved one to take their first steps on the path to wellness.
What to Expect From an Intervention for Depression
In some cases, sitting down with your loved one for a sympathetic conversation about what they are going through can help make them more receptive to the idea of seeking help. Still, there is a chance that a depressed person will be unready or unwilling to hear what you have to say, which could cause them to react with anger instead of acceptance.
When you hire our professional interventionists to help you stage an intervention for depression, they will take charge of planning the entire meeting down to the last detail, including:
- Who to invite
- What everyone should say and how to phrase it
- How to recommend the appropriate treatment
- How to keep your emotions in check throughout the intervention
Organize a Mental Health Intervention for Someone You Care About
At Whitman Recovery Service, we know how important your loved one is to you, and we never take mental health interventions lightly. On our team, we have a consulting psychiatrist who will serve as an additional resource to help ensure a successful outcome.
With professional planning and execution, an intervention for depression can be a vital step in guiding someone living with the burdens of mental illness toward a better quality of life. Contact us today to learn about how to plan a mental health intervention with our experienced team. We have conducted interventions in all 50 states, with a 98% success rate.