
woman chatting with her sober companion and accountability partner

Do I Need a Sober Companion? | Coaching and Accountability

When you are working your way through treatment and recovery, you may continue to struggle with certain activities. You may need someone to help you with your accountability so you can focus on what you need to do to overcome your addiction and get your life back on track. You may even wonder if you need a sober companion and how that individual might help with coaching and accountability.

What is a Sober Companion?

In recovery, you may need someone reliable in your life who can assist you through by coaching and reinforcing your accountability. A sober companion is a person who does just that, as your mentor or guide.

One important thing to remember is that a sober companion is not an aide who runs errands or completes chores for you. In fact, the companion is there to help you so you can accomplish those things yourself as you go through your daily life, attending meetings and interacting with others, to guide you through the process of making healthy choices to maintain your recovery.

Your sober companion may drive you to addiction treatment sessions or support group meetings. They may even stay with you when you visit family members or friends, coaching you toward appropriate behavior and positive choices and helping you resist temptations that could lead to relapse.

The Accountability Factor

Honesty, integrity, and accountability are critical for your true recovery from addiction. Being honest with yourself and others is a major component of getting your life back on track. In fact, the 12-Step program refers to “rigorous honesty,” which means telling the truth when it is easier to lie as well as sharing honest thoughts and feelings, even when you know there may be consequences.

In reality, your lies have had consequences. You probably had to lie quite a bit during your addiction, to cover up negative behavior or to simply manage to get through your day. Those lies may have hurt your friends or family members and it can take time to earn their trust and respect again. A sober companion can help you understand the ramifications of your lies, keeping you accountable to your honesty.

Support Through the Transition

If you participated in a residential addiction treatment program, you may need a sober companion to help you with the transition as you return home. The companion will act as your mentor and coach and will work with you on your accountability so you can maintain your sobriety.

The sober companion may need to do a sweep of your home, to be sure there are no drugs or alcohol on the premises. You will have to be honest with the companion about whether you have any secret hiding places for these substances. Your day will then probably be structured around any activities you need to complete, such as doing your grocery shopping, going to work, and returning to treatment for ongoing therapy and outpatient care, with the support and guidance of your sober companion.

It may take time for you to acclimate to your home environment once again. Being back in that environment might bring on memories of your addictive behaviors or temptations to relapse. A sober companion can help ensure you stay focused on your recovery and work with you on the tools you need to resist those temptations on a daily basis.

Sober Transport

One of the most important aspects of having a sober companion to help you through your recovery is being able to travel to support group meetings, to outpatient treatment sessions, and even to work or to visit family and friends. You may have had your license revoked because of your alcohol or drug use or you may just be tempted by driving through certain neighborhoods or past a particular house. A sober companion can help make sure you arrive safely at the appropriate destination and have an equally safe ride home again.


At Whitman Recovery Service, we want you to be able to get the help you need so you can continue on your road to recovery from your substance use disorder. In addition to addiction and mental health treatment at Whitman Recovery, we also provide sober companion and transport services when you are struggling with addiction. A sober companion remains with you to help you with your transition and to help with any emergency personal issues that may arise.

Please call (210) 291-0278 if you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol or with a mental health issue. Our team has the expertise to help you begin the journey of recovery.